Nicholas Browning

Through Iron Bars


An evergreen sheds its skin

Down foaming trails in a waterway.

They glide around, softly landing

On waves of white that never stay.


Through iron bars they differentiate

Between possibility and impermanence.

They bid farewell on a timely sail

That should be joyous but never is.


Flickering about like an oil lamp

In winded nights in a wretched haze,

Struggling to grasp similarity within

Discouragement and forgotten days.


To try and catch them, heavy walking

On the sidewalk, jumping cracks in the concrete;

Running faster, towards assurance

Of two things I know will never meet.


They disappear right past the shoreline

In inanition, pale and off; just destitute.

The charging stops to fall and weep

For some random petals that I never knew.