
Sheep Story

Tune: Cross of Jesus

(\'Come thou long expected Jesus\')

Matthew 25 v.31-40


Lord, when you come in your glory

Sheep and goats there then shall be

Grant we hear your words of welcome

Come sheep to your lasting home


You blessed of my father, you be

Inherit the kingdom, see

Prepared for you from foundation

Of the word, for you, eah one


For you did me serve, when you did

Unto least, my love not hid

To them, but helped hungry, thirsty

Strangers, and those who poor be


Gave them clothing, and did visit

Those ill or in prison, it

Was no chore or heavy burden

So to aid your fellow men


Though you then, you righteous, shall ask

When did we perform these tasks?

I the king shall unto you say

You did it to me those days


Those days when you did the least serve

From your service did not swerve

In so doing, you did it to

Me, served me, yes, even you