Muse Gong

Wellbeing, by Muse Gong

Wellbeing, by Muse Gong


In this vast world, like bees we toil, Busy, bustling, a ceaseless coil. Striving to rise in the bustling crowd, Aiming for laurels, accolades avowed.

Nobel dreams or fortunes to amass, In careers, we carve our path so vast. Yet as time\'s hands weave threads of age, We question the worth of this life stage.

Not solely in riches, nor family ties, The true essence beneath the worldly skies. For every soul, a purpose profound, In the echo of footsteps, a distinct sound.

It\'s not in the gold, nor the fame, That we find life\'s elusive aim. As years unfold, a truth unfolds clear, A purpose beyond the transient veneer.

In the heart\'s quiet space, we find the key, To the question that whispers, \"What should life be?\" It\'s wellbeing, the jewel so divine, Health, sunlight, and self-reliance entwine.

To wake each morn with a heart full of glee, To savor joy, unburdened and free. Wellbeing, the treasure, the coin\'s reverse side, Love\'s counterpart, on life\'s wondrous ride.