Angelia Lamar

Heartfelt Love

Heartfelt Love


Love is more than your emotions,  you must see Love as a person, Love is more than gue gue eyes, Don’t listen to the devil’s lies.


 Love is a decision, A choice you have to make, To be loving, happy and free, Don’t distance yourself for your own sake!


 Whether others are kind to you, That is not your concern.  Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,  That’s what the good book says.


 Don’t distance yourself from Jesus’ Love, Cause you can’t give what you don’t possess!  Don’t you know that’s why this world  is dark, and  in such a mess!


 If you want to be Love,  I’m here to let you know, Real Love comes from Jesus Christ.  Receive Him now and people will know, you have encountered Jesus, Cause you’ll have that spiritual glow.