Seeds4 poetry

Mr. Handyman

trying not to give in 

because I miss him ... and his jokes 

just him around 


listening to his voice 

giving me this feeling 



that unknown energy of lust 

raising the temp 

to 90 degrees Celsius 

sweat for me 

no rest 

all work 

using his handy tools to fix all my cures 

pumping muscle 

left ... right 

left ...right 

getting what my money is worth 

a job only a man 

is certified for 

my Mr. handyman 

he\'ll always come 

for a cum 

making sure the job gets done 

my hand- D man 

put in overtime 

no matter the call 

wealth help is needed 

to plunge it 

plug it 

or whip it down 

he put in that time 

cause he knows 





follows behind it 

a hand for a hand 

always know what to do 

never have to tell him the problem 

we get straight into it


 a handyman every woman wants 

a man who knows how to get it done 

then leave 

but wait 

before you go 

Mr. handyman 

I got another job in need