
The Beauty of Contradictions

In one human face, nature weaves

A tapestry of contrasts, so hard to believe

Thought and no thought, side by side they rest

Pale and bloom, in harmony they jest


Bustle and sluggishness, a dance of extremes

Pleasure and gloom, in ever-changing schemes

Weakness and strength, both vying for control

A paradoxical peace, a tempest in the soul


Indifference and attention, a curious pair

Pride without envy, joy beyond compare

Mildness and spirit, a dance of contradiction

Forward and coy, a blend of restriction


Freedom and a diffident stare, a complex display

Virtue with a question mark, searching for its way

But in this strange mix, a man emerges true

Captivating and kind, a soul to pursue


For five centuries, I\'d gladly remain

As odd and as happy, in this world of disdain

For in the heart of this enigmatic being

Lies the beauty of contradictions, endlessly freeing. (\"The Beauty Of Contradictions\") by Courtney Weaver Jr.