
When my Heart Sings a Song

When my heart sings a song,

the winter winds carry it along.

The winds flow from the west,

it keeps singing with full zest.


When my heart sings a song,

Melodious words rhyme along.

A song of words woven in strings,

some wishful memories it brings.


When my heart sings a song,

I wonder to whom does it belong.

Strings of emotions finely spun,

woven with threads of light from the Sun.


When my heart sings a song,

complimenting a yearning strong,

The wind might blow your hair,

dissolving its sweet melody in the air.


When my heart sings a song,

tears of happiness flow along.

I forget myself in my youth prime,

your face seems more familiar than mine.


When my heart sings a song,

the tune matches a birdsong.

Shepard hum it along to their herds,

felicitating love with beautiful words.


When my heart sings a song,

it wants to sing it lifelong.

I wish it may spread its charm,

and make you feel happy and warm.


When my heart sings a song,

I wish you could sing along.

Can’t wait to see you smile,

a long wait is also worthwhile.