Chris Duffy

All the fun

ll the fun.

Bright coloured lights we approach from a distance we dream about losing and winning.

If life is a circus, a fairground at best then the dodgems are just the beginning.
We’re ushered to climb on the roundabout first, full of hope and joy from the start.

Some will climb onboard by themselves, fearless, courageous of heart.

Some climb aboard the fire truck first for a life of adventure and stealth
Some are more cautious right from their birth,
Some will look after themselves.

Some will get through by the skin of their teeth and life becomes their chosen ride.
Some will be cursed with a love for themselves, others defeated by pride.

The teenagers head for the fast rides, the helter skelter of youth.
Life becomes carefree and joyful, and fun till the ghost train looms into view.

The children have long since departed and have family and kids of their own.
When you have to ride on the ghost train, you climb on the platform alone.

A hobby horse replicates life’s ups and downs, we ride from when life has begun.
The ghost train you ride at the end of the day, at the wain of the warmth of the sun.

You don’t want to go on the ghost train, for fear of the monsters inside.
The ghost train reminds us of chances we missed.
The ghost train’s the end of the ride.

We want to go back to the dodgems, full of candy floss, bright lights and girls.
But the ghost train is now the train we are on, as our life starts to wain and unfurl.
We don’t want to witness the horror inside, as we chose to look down or look back.
Once you’re onboard and the train pulls away, your destiny lies on the track.