
Unheard And Unsaid

I try hard, you don\'t see

I stay up, studying

I am scared, stressed and sad-

All at the same time

Why do you think I\'m faking it all?

Why do you think I\'m just lying?


April-its the start of the session

The exams will begin in no time

you know, I\'m really trying 

I\'m really am giving my all....

But even then, all I got is failure

But even then, why don\'t i shine?


Why don\'t i come first?

Since, no one remembers the second!

I tried, but now I\'m tired-

Tired of this disappointment,

peer-pressure and the never-ending stress! 

This is it,I want it all to come to an end!


Don\'t think I\'m ranting!

I\'m just letting these thoughts out of my mind. 

I just want you to feel , what i feel

I - I\'m just a teen-

Who is expected to behave as an adult

And treated as a \'child\'


Dear reader 

As children, we dream of growing up

As we grow up, we realise -

Life is not the fantasy world we lived in

It is a harsh cruel world!

Childhood is the best-Take in the moment while you still can

You\'re happy, you\'re free

As teens, you\'re shackled by the responsibilities and expectations of society!

As teens, you just exist , not live

As teens, you wake up to reality.


So, dear reader,

If you\'re a child, remain a child

If you\'re growing, don\'t change.

Change is beautiful, it is wild

Don\'t let age kill your inner child.
