Lana Lee

Did Anyone Know?

Did Mary know that the conception and birth of Jesus,

Would symbolize the born-again experience in us?

Think about it: A new life in a bride named \"Rebellious.\"

Did Joseph know that the boy he would hold in his hands

Was Jehovah in the flesh, the almighty I AM?

Did Mary and Joseph know that this was in fact the Last Adam

Who came to redeem the failure of the first Man? 


Did the shepherds know that the newborn in the feeding trough 

Was the perfect Lamb who would one day be offered up?

Because He thought Heaven wasn\'t enough

Without us,

So He came down as Jesus–

Whose name declares that God came to save us

As Immanuel, meaning “God with us”!

Did they know that they were worshipping the Good Shepherd

Whose sheep would be intimately known, seen, and heard,

And be given power to overcome wolves by faith in His Word?


Did the wise men know that their sentiment

Went beyond giving the royal treatment?

Did they know that they were crowning a King with faith as pure as gold,

Acknowledging a living God prayerfully with incense sweet and bold,

And foreshadowing the day myrrh would cover Him when dead and cold,

Though death would have no power to hold

Him? What a truth to behold!


Did Satan know this baby of whom it was said

That, with a bruised heel, He would crush the serpent\'s head?

Is that why the dragon wanted Bethlehem\'s children dead

When he inspired the mass infanticide ordered by King Herod?

Did he know that the clock for him ticked,

Starting the countdown to when it would be finished,

When this baby would grow up to be cast into the deepest pit

And free countless lives from the dragon\'s grip

And then cast that worm into that very same pit,

Never to return, that would be it!?


Did anyone know these things?

Did the angels know?

Do we know?


Do we know the glory of Christ\'s birth

Was so much more than just Him coming to Earth?

Do we know that it means He wants to be in us to ignite the gospel rebirth?

Because He decided that it was of worth–

Worth entering the world by what would be called a scandal;

Worth being born in a room made for animals

Worth starting His holy life helpless and small

Worth His own crying being His first call!

And who knew that this little baby

Would secure salvation for so many?


Do we know that He is worthy

Of all honor, praise, and glory

Because He came with divinity wrapped in humanity?

And why did He do it? Do we know?

Yes, for His eternal purposes and glory–

And because He loves you and me

And wants us to be with Him for all eternity!