
Heritage in the Heartbeat: Odes to Black Grandmothers

This poem is dedicated to my grandmother Ethel Dean. Happy 80th birthday grandma, I love you!


In the heart of wisdom\'s deep embrace,

Black grandmothers, full of grace,

They\'re the storytellers, the keepers of time,

Guiding us through life\'s rhythm and rhyme.

With laughter and love, they light the way,

Through the darkest nights, and the brightest day.

Their eyes hold the secrets of ages gone by,

Their words are a lullaby, a soothing sigh.


Her hands, weathered with time, tell stories untold,

Of strength and resilience, of a legacy bold.

In her eyes, the wisdom of ages past,

A reservoir of knowledge that will forever last.

With a hug and a smile, she eases our pain,

Black grandmother\'s love, an eternal refrain


They\'re the pillars of strength, the wellspring of care,

In their wisdom, we find a love beyond compare.

Black grandmothers, an anchor in life\'s storm,

In their embrace, we find comfort and warmth.


So let us cherish these matriarchs dear,

For their love and wisdom are always near.

In the legacy they\'ve woven, we find our way,

Black grandmothers, we honor you every day.

In Grandma\'s kitchen, warmth and delight,

A haven of aromas, a comforting sight.

The scent of her baking, a sweet, loving art,

Memories of love, forever in our hearts


Pots on the stove, secrets in her recipe book,

Every meal she served, like a warm, cozy nook. The table set for family, laughter in the air,

In Grandma\'s kitchen, we always found care.


Her stories shared as we gathered \'round,

In that sacred space, love could always be found.

With a pinch of this and a dash of that,

Grandma\'s kitchen, where memories sat.


The taste of her dishes, a flavor so divine,

In Grandma\'s kitchen, the sun seemed to shine.

A place of love, where time stood still,

Her kitchen, a treasure, we\'ll forever fulfill.

In Grandma\'s gentle, skillful hand,

A crochet hook and yarn, her magic wand.

With threads of colors, textures so soft,

She crafts the stories that warm us aloft.


Intricate patterns, her fingers guide,

Creating heirlooms, side by side.

Blankets, shawls, and doilies so fine,

With every stitch, a love design.


Her wisdom threads through each delicate row,

As grandma\'s crochet, with love, does glow.

A tapestry of memories, woven so true,

In her craft, her love forever shines through.

In the legacy of black grandmas, we stand strong,

Their love and wisdom, an eternal song.

With gratitude in our hearts, we\'ll forever cherish,

The lessons they imparted, the love they still nourish.


Their spirit lives on in the stories we share,

In the warmth of their love, we find solace and care.

In the tapestry of time, their influence weaves,

Black grandmas, our heroes, in whom our heart believes.