
Commander McBragg






…….Come closer dear man, I’m not going to bite ya, it’s commander McBragg, I would only invite ya, I’ve got adventurous tales of riding in giant sea snails, or rather their shells, not to mention in the mouths of whale’s. There I was, trapped; surrounded by a band of pigmies, looking to gut me then stuff me, luckily I had my musket, made them stand still while I handed out truffles, ceased all scuffles, that’s how I became king of the little people with muscles. Dared to slap a loud Mike Tyson on board an aircraft, became conscious while falling and clawing in midair, to anyone else it would’ve been a scare, but I ran on the backs of vultures from there to Nova Scotia, and now pointing my finger at you like I told ya; now pass the tea, and you can add a Lil bit of that jubilee.