

Your journey started a year ago stomach cancer they removed your stomach then half of your lung for suspicious growths back to back surgery then treatment began a few months passed treatment was over then shortly after the cancer came back treatment an opinion but we knew it was not a cure you fought hard and we with you with God by your side you were so strong for us. hospital stay after hospital stay you were growing weaker with the passing of days not able to stand on your feet this broke our hearts but a burst of energy and you walked I thought you were getting better but I got the call the pain was unbearable so we rushed you to the hospital for the last time there was nothing more they could do for you you just wanted to come home with your pain under control by God that\'s what I did i brought you home. you  wanted to see the family dad was waiting and brother.your grandchildren you were able to tell us what you wanted for us to  let you go when the time came that you were ready to pass over and not to cry you were ready to go to see your mother and your baby boy he was to take you fishing he had passed years before then you slipped into a deep sleep I never left your side I told you I would hold your hand and thats what I did December 3 2023 6:45am I heard a whistle  far away then another a tear fell from your eye I knew it was time dad left  the room and the grandchildren they set at the table eating breakfast I closed the door I stood above your head my arms lay on yours they started  to tingling like they were floating my  whole body  warm with love so much love I have never felt  before my cheek on yours I kissed the tear away whispering  in your ear mama you go rest now we are all good go see brother his waiting for you your arms raised to your chin like you were hugging someone you haven\'t  seen in years another whistle closer this time  and you took your last breath as I backed away from where I stood I saw two red dots on your ear you let me know that you heard me at 7:25am you were gone my beautiful lovely  mother I stood strong we did what you had asked we let you go it was the hardest thing I have ever had to do i know when my time comes you will stand by rest now mama and catch a fish. For me