
A Tapestry of Tender Moments

Under the sheltering arms of ancient trees,

Susie and Kelli spun tales woven with ease.

With laughter that danced on the whispers of leaves,

They stitched their own story in gold summer eves.


In gardens of trust where wildflowers bloom,

They nurtured a love that forever would groom.

Two spirits entwined in a dance so divine,

They sparkled like stars in the soft moon\'s shrine.


Through seasons and reasons and life\'s ebb and flow,

In the garden where only true love dares to grow,

They blossomed together, as decades unfurled,

Two radiant women in their own little world.


With giggles that echoed through time\'s quiet hall,

They built a haven where love would install.

With joyous hearts beating in harmonious rhyme,

They ventured through life, hand in hand, all the time.


Two artists of life, with their palettes so grand,

Creating a tapestry, lush and so grand.

Susie and Kelli, a duo so rare,

Embroidered in time, a love beyond compare.


As seasons spun forward, their love only grew,

A testament of what commitment can do.

In the book of their lives, with pages so fine,

A tale of love, transcendent, divine.


© Susie Stiles-Wolf