
The Word

In the beginning, there was a word, a light

Sent from above, to guide us through the night

Prophets and sages, they spoke of truth and grace

But none compared to the one who would change the human race


For he was not just a messenger, a preacher or a seer

He was the very Word of God, the one we hold so dear

He came to show us love, to lead us from the dark

To bring us hope and salvation, to ignite in us a spark


So let us not diminish him, and make him just the same

As all the other prophets, who bore his holy name

For Jesus Christ is different, he is the Word made flesh

And in his light and truth, our hearts and souls are blessed.


So let us bear witness to the light, and spread his love and grace

For Jesus Christ is the savior, the one we must embrace

He is the Word of God, the light that shines so bright

And in him, we find our purpose, our hope, and our delight. (\"The Word\") by Courtney Weaver Jr.