Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla

When Jews write poetry

“When anti-Semitism is writing poetry,

Letters are written to death.

The life of the letter lynched to death.

Spirit of the word stone to death

The truth of the word thrown from the roof


When twins are writing poetry,

Words are veiled and nailed.

Letters are scarfed and coffined.

Sentences are beards and buried

Paragraphs are bagged and burned.

Poetry is gassed and genocided.

Like the Jewish community.


When twins are writing poetry,

Words are bleeding like Holocaust survivors.

Sentences are dismembered, like October 7 lives.

Stanzas is beheaded like Samuel Paty.

Paragraphs lost their lives, like the Holocaust and October\'s lives.

Poetry self-immolated its poetic words.


When anti-sentient life writing poetry

Poetry itself lost its breath and died.


When Ravers are writing poetry

Words are dancing like ravers.

The sentences are cheering like ravers.

Paragraphs flow like theories.

Poetry lives on its poetic words.

Stanzas is smiling like a Jew.

Expressions are alive.


When survivors are writing poetry,

Stanzas is surviving the death of Lynching.


When the general theory of relativity

Writing the poetry theories is like dancing like ravers.”