
A series of \"automatic writings\"

1) What belief patterns
did you inherit from
your family?

I inherited a cold dead strong lock and no key from my family why no key what did i do to deserve this iron, why did you strike him with an iron Nina? The rage of wrongs. Nothing I do or say can have any (----). do what feels write expresss dance, joy, sing, move girl! MOVE why do you stand so rigid why is your jaw clenched         Bleed from your beautiful heart, pour! No longer any fence any chain any binding free free free

2) What is your definition of creativity?

creativity is when you bite into an orange the juice runs down your chin and you find G O D in such a moment. you smell the zest you taste the vivid flavor you live and creativity is what happens from living

3) What is your understanding of forgiveness?

forgiveness lies ahead with no fear of lies ahead

4) Are you able to express yourself honestly and openly when you need to?

I feel there\'s a muzzle but it\'s not tight, I speak through it sometimes in certain spaces, I cackle like a hyena