

Mary, chosen handmaid of the Lord

A vessel of grace, obedient and adored

In her humble heart, the Word was sown

And through her, the Light of the world was known


With a yes so pure, she accepted the call

To be the mother of Christ, the Savior of all

Her faith, a model for all of us to see

A total and unreserved yes to God\'s decree


Through her, the Spirit descended and dwelled

In her womb, the Messiah\'s story was spelled

She bore the Son of God with love and grace

And in her, the world found its saving embrace


Oh, Mary, mother so gentle and kind

Your faith and obedience forever entwined

Teach us to say yes to God\'s will each day

And let his Light shine through us in every way


May we open our hearts to divine grace

And become instruments of God\'s love in this place

Like Mary, may we heed the call and be

A reflection of Christ for all to see. (\"Mary\") by Courtney Weaver Jr.