But in unmarked graves their bones forever resting and does anyone remember them by name?
And does anybody even think about them and in thinking of them kind things of them say
Like they were nice kids and they loved life and were happy and in the ghetto park they used to play?.
Though they were the children of poor parents unlike us children don\'t complain about their lot
But were they the offsprings of the rich and famous we would hear about them they would not be forgot
A stray bomb drifted down across their suburb they were the victims of cruel circumstance
And the sound of their laughter died in the ghetto parkland one well might say they did not have a chance.
How come in wars the innocents must suffer when for major conflicts children not to blame
The war children to the reaper went early due to mistake which still seems an act of shame
How come the stray bomb fell on the poor suburb and how come it did not fall and wreak havoc elsewhere?
Don\'t say that\'s life when life doesn\'t have to be this way and for the disadvantaged life is never fair?.
They were the innocent victims of the warlords and in unkept and unmarked graves they lay
And they had their dreams like you and I and others and does anyone remember them today?
A stray bomb from the sky dropped on their suburb and many human lives were lost when their homes were destroyed
And in the ghetto parkland where they oft played the laughter of the ghetto children died.