Angelia Lamar

I Am The Light

My Light exposes all the darkness.  Even when there are a lot of people around.  If you don’t want to know the Truth, And you want to hear a lie, Don’t ask me, ask someone else.


My Light illuminates my environment, even when I’m shopping in the grocery store.  I speak Light, uplifting words and encouragements to others.  If you are Light when you show up, it’s as if God should be able to use you as well, to speak Light to others.


My Light exposes what was hidden and could not be seen.  I see you being ugly and mean.  We are Ambassadors of Christ. God’s Ambassadors.  God makes His appeal through us. You are not your own.


My Light exposes all the darkness.  So be better than you were on yesterday. Extend Love in environments of hatred and Be Light!


My Light exposes all the darkness, Cause I stand for the Truth in the midst of deception.  So be the best version of yourself, because you do have a Purpose.