
The Weight We Carry

The rain falls gently as he crosses the street

His movements cautious, his mind focused on one thing

His son, asleep on his shoulder, a precious cargo indeed

No car must splash him, no danger must his son bring


In the quiet of the rain, the man moves with care

His jacket not marked, but his heart is aware

Of the weight he carries, the responsibility he bears

For his son’s peaceful sleep, his gentle breath, his tender care


Deep inside him, he hears the hum of a boy’s dream

A dream of love and safety, of comfort and ease

And as he walks, he knows that this world, it seems

Must hold such care and tenderness if we’re to truly be at peace


For if we cannot do what this man does, with one another

If we cannot protect and cherish, hold and support each other

Then how can we expect to truly thrive and be?

In a world where the road is wide, the rain never stops, where we are all free


So let us learn from this man, his selfless act

Let us embrace the fragility of each other, the world we live in

For in doing so, we can build a world of love and fact

Where the road is wide, but our hearts are wider, and the rain, it can never win. (\"The Weight We Carry\") by Courtney Weaver Jr.