
Turning in Troubles

Tune: Thornbury

(\'Thy hand, O God, has guided\')

Psalm 42 v.1-5


As the deer pants for water

So my heart to you stirs

And my soul pants after you

To know you more, clear, true

My soul thirst for God, for He

The living God e\'er be

When shall I come and appear

Before God, to Him near?


My tears have been my food, for

Enemies reproach sure

Day and night they say, Where be

Your God? He has gone, see

When I remember these things

What memory to me brings

I pour out my soul in me

Lord, my affliction see


For I do good days recall

When I went with them all

To the house of God, to praise

Him, the voice of joy raise

I joined the congregation

Worshipping with each one

That kept holy day constant

With them, the penitent


Why are you cast down my soul?

Oppression takes its toll

Why are you disquieted in

Me, troubled from within?

Hope you in God, my soul, for

I shall yet praise Him sure

For the help of His presence

His Spirit I do sense