Accidental Poet

Life as We Don’t Yet Know It

Science fiction writers

Often predict the future

Imagination overload

Dreams to reality sutures


For many centuries

Man has watched the skies

Knowing something else exists

Something to open our eyes


Our universe beyond our vison

We can’t be its only occupants

Other lifeforms must exist

Billions of stars full of suspense


Little green men

With intellect far advanced

Distant travelers who suddenly appear

Earthlings abducted while entranced


Or life in the form of light

Peacefully influential

To help Earthlings stop fighting

World peace intentional


A new age planet Earth

Grown up to join the universe

Communicate of compassion

Respect of all life converse


No one owns the universe

We all just live there

But a universal rule for all

For each other, we all must care


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2023