
Imprisoned Butterfly

An imprisoned butterfly is when 

a butterfly it’s supposed to thrive and spread 

Her wings but she gets held down and back by other things. 

The imprisoned butterfly soon forgets how high she supposed to fly 

Because her environment is no longer meant for her to survive 

The evolution of a butterfly is widely known to be beautiful they start from this caterpillar then turn full grown 

But what happens when a butterfly gets stuck in their cocoon 

Does the self deterioration begin soon?

When you’re stuck in a place you know you’re supposed to break out of it tends to consume you

You forget all that you knew 

The stretch of your wings hit a peak 

The thought of freedom becomes bleak 

You only accept what you can see 

Which is not much 

Your friends & family are out of reach, out of touch

The chances of someone saving you: was good luck 

Cause you realized you were just stuck

You were right where they wanted you to be 

Trapped in the mind and in the cocoon 

just waiting for it to be all over soon 

But it was far from over, it was just the beginning

In his mind he was winning 

While I was constantly spinning in my cocoon

Butterflies like to shake and move to avoid their doom 

It wards off a predator but what happens when your protector isn’t any better 

I guess I didn’t shake enough 

Or maybe he already had me tamed 

because the hits still came 

You get to a point where you doubt your strength anymore or what you were before 

cause how can I subject myself to this and give up the fight to live 

You grieve the beauty that was once inside that you were forced to hide 

The confidence that irritated his pride 

The smile he turned into a frown 

The falling of your crown 

But the strength of a butterfly lies within what makes up her wings 

You have to look deep inside to find what that means 

Butterflies can’t repair their wings but it doesn’t stop them from flying 

See It’s all about perception because I thought the cocoon was keeping me in harms way

But it was really my protection 

While my wings were growing the strength to break free

From a place where love had me be 

He took my potential before I could even see

That ls when I knew the imprisoned butterfly was me.