Why do we linger when our body is trying to die
Why can\'t we just go out and party all day
Then go home and die in our sleep
We wouldn\'t have to make a peep
It doesn\'t seem fair
Why must we suffer
Why do our loved ones have to suffer
I guess they\'ll recover
When he died, his wife said \"what do I do now?\"
Some people said simply \"I don\'t know\"
Others just said \"you have to move on\"
Maybe she should just go to the salon
I guess we\'re just survivors
Sometimes we don\'t want to let go
Even when our body and soul is telling us to
Sometimes death is overdue
Just go peacefully
As long as we\'ve had a good life there should be no regrets
Even if we didn\'t accomplish everything we wanted in life
Or maybe it was filled with too much strife
If our mind forces the body to hang on no one wins
And usually we all pay the price
However, \"the body achieves what the mind believes\"
In my final days please help me to remember only the best times
I want to remember everyone that I\'ve loved
And all of those that love me back
After that it will be okay if my memory goes black
When my body becomes too old and sick to serve me with a useful purpose
I think then it will be time for me to go
I hope there\'s a heaven
I might need to make a confession
If heaven is what I think it is I\'ll be able to see all of my lost loved ones
What a reunion that will be
But for now I\'m still young so I have a lot of time to think about it
Until I\'m sure it\'s my time to go I\'ll never quit