Women of Valour

In the tapestry of life,woman shines so bright with strength and grace,they radiate pure love.

They are warriors,fierce and brave,standing tall,breaking barriers,conquering all.

Their heart hold stories,each one unique filled with resilience,compassion and mystique.

They nurtures and heal with love so pure,their presence brings warmth of that I am sure.
With mind that soar,they seek knowledge’s embrace,embodying wisdom,bringing light to every space.

They are artist,creators,shaping the world anew,their voices like melodies,ring clear and true.
In unity they rise,lifting each other high,supporting dreams,reaching for the sky.

Their fierce determination,inspiring generation,igniting transformation.
So let us celebrate the woman we hold dear,their power,their beauty,their courage so clear.

For they are the pillars that hold our world strong.
An eternal inspiration,a melody,a song.


~Bilkisu Jibrilla Kawu~