
The Breaking Point

The Breaking Point


It seems like we are always at our breaking points,

Whether it be from finances or aching joints,

Always at the end of the line,searching for a way,

For just one more tank of gas or bill or the right words to say,

Always feeling like we cannot handle one more thing, 

Then something always comes up, and the one more it will bring,

We must remember that God never gives us more than we can handle,though it seems to be,

The breaking point will never come, as long as we bend our knee,

And pray to God, putting our trust into His plan,

Letting Him lead us to taking care of our fellow man,

Loving all, and forgiving those that have wronged us in the past,

Throwing away all doubt and hatred away we cast,

So the breaking point will always be there, yet never come at all,

Let the Lord lead you, heed His call