
Prophetic Courage

Mary and Joseph, humble and meek

Their faith and courage, something to seek

Outside the box, beyond expectation

They let God lead, no hesitation


Young and uneducated, yet chosen by grace

To carry and raise the Savior of the human race

They defied the norms, broke free from the mold

Their integrity and courage, a story retold


In a world of follow-the-leader and dutiful religion

They relied on their angels, against all tradition

No preparation in the synagogue’s teachings

Their faith and trust, beyond human teachings


Why do we love and admire, but not imitate

Their faith journeys, so bold and great?

Their prophetic courage, their non-reassurance

The authenticity, beyond religious endurance


It’s not about theology, but integrity and trust

Letting God lead, in Him we must

For Mary and Joseph, their journey inspires

To step outside our comfort, and reach for higher desires


So let us learn from their example so pure

To have the faith and courage to endure

To break free from the norms, and embrace the unknown

To rely on our angels, and let God’s love be shown. (\"Prophetic Courage\") by Courtney Weaver Jr.