Soman Ragavan

\"Live on, my baby...\" ; 27 Dec 2023

27 December, 2023




This poem is on the death of a father in Denver, Colorado, USA, while he saved his two-year-old-baby from an accident. On 7 December, 2023, in one second, he pushed the baby’s pram out of the way of an oncoming car, while he himself was fatally struck. He gave his life to save his baby… See the Internet on this story :  



                                      “LIVE ON, MY BABY… “

A trip to town can be a one-way ticket :

A journey to the restaurant

Might be a journey too far :

A stop-over at the hospital,

Before life be stolen away…


A lifetime of sacrifice be not enough :

Sometimes, our very life hath to be the price…

Living for others,

Caring for others,

Working for others,

Toiling for others,

Suff’ring for others :

Till kick in terminal shivers…


The road ahead look’d rosy,

Full of promise of the life to be.

Joyously smil’d baby,

Enjoying the fresh air,

Secure in Dad’s hands :

Hands that steer’d the pram



In a fatherly fashion…


Suddenly loom’d ahead sheer murder,

Murder on wheels,

Enough to give anyone some chilling shiver.

The decision had to be split-second :

This life be just one,

Ne’er a second one…


In one second,

The ultimate sacrifice,

Dish’d out without regret,

Without fear…

Sacrificing oneself

For the offspring…


Paternal instinct kick’d in,

Faster than the rampaging chariot :

Baby had to be sav’d…

Baby had to live on :

Live on, joyous baby :

Here be security…

Here be the final send-off :

Send-off for thy saviour…


Dad gave life to baby :

Finally, Dad gave his own life

To save life for baby…


The pram career’d on in a riot,

Uncontroll’d :

Dad’s very life was beyond control…

The pram sped on

To safety :

‘Pon life was baby given

A new lease…


For Dad himself,

Life had reach’d a sudden end.

Sickening sounds,

Smash’d bones,

Crunch’d limbs,

Unspeakable pains,

Hellish suff’rings…


Death for progenitor :

Life and survival for the offspring…

Baby will live on

To see many new springs,

Gorgeous autumns,

Captivating snow scenes…


Dad will turn into a statistic,

But, his story will be remember’d,

Inscrib’d ‘pon some lofty parchment,

Shining on many a screen,

Chalking on myriads of views…


Live on, my baby…

The pram came to a stop :

Baby was safe :

Dad’s life, too, came to a stop,

A final stop,

A most painful one…

Human sacrifice knows no bounds…


Soman Ragavan

Mauritius (Indian Ocean)

December 2023
