
The Snail of Thought

The snail of thought, a slow and steady pace

Leaving a trail, a winding, curious chase

Crouching in shadows, hiding from the light

Refusing to answer, keeping to its own plight


Glistening in its shell, a liquid shimmer

Tasting the wind, a sweet and salty simmer

Smoke of fires, a scent that lingers on the air

Crackling thorns, a symphony of nature\'s flair


Rising temperature, a sign of change ahead

Considering options, every path to tread

Attending each phase, embracing the unknown

Crumbling into ground, feeling not alone


Losing place in sand and gravel, feeling displaced

Listening for the clash of weeds, in a tangled embrace

Wondering where the snail will go, on its mystical way

Following its journey, through night and day


The snail of thought, leading the way

Leaving behind a trail, in every moment and day

A symbol of resilience, in the face of all odds

The snail of thought, a journey to applaud. (\"The Snail of Thought\") by Courtney Weaver Jr.