

For so long, I have wanted to do to you what you did to me,

Just so I could finally make you see,

All of the pain and the heartache that you put me through,

And how everything I did was never good enough for you.

But in order for me to let you go, I know that I can\'t wish revenge upon you,

Because that would only prevent me from growing and achieving what I am trying to do.

I know that in time, people like you will always get what you deserve,

Because karma will always come back around, and it will make sure that it serves,

To everyone who hurt you and did you wrong,

And I need to remind myself that I need to stay strong.

That I need to keep pushing through and remember everything that you did,

Because I should have known that you were just a kid.

And I need to stop telling myself that you are the best,

Because in reality, you are no different from the rest.

I saw that you ignored me, and that you left me on read,

But at this point, I don\'t have anymore tears to shed.

Because yeah it hurts, but I know that one day I will be okay,

And I need to accept the fact that you wanted it this way.

You were in my life for a short time, but you were never meant to stay,

And I will eventually be able to move on from you one day.

But I know that in the future, the roles will be reversed,

Because you may love her now, but you know that you loved me first.

And one day I\'ll be doing better, and I will not think about you anymore,

But you will try to reopen it, after I have already shut that door.

And you will try to reach out, but I will not having anything left to say,

And I can not wait for that day.

When you finally realized that everything you ever wanted and needed was staring you right in the face,

But it was ashame that you kept looking, when I was always here in the first place.

But unlike you, I won\'t be immature and ignore you, but rather I will hear what you wanted to tell me,

I won\'t let it control me though, because I will no longer be free.

Free for you to control me and manipulate my mind,

Because you no longer consume me and take up all of my time.

So I can\'t wait for you to try and come crawling back,

But this time I am just going to sit there and laugh. 

Because you know that you will want me in the end,

And at this point, I don\'t even consider you a friend.

So go ahead, go and be with the girl that you thought was better,

And know that the girl who gave you the world is gone, and you know that you are going to miss her.

And karma will come around, so I do not feel the need to seek out revenge,

Because I no longer want a future with you, as a partner nor a friend.