
I should have

I should have run away without looking back last summer

Right after first time when I heard your voice

It woud have saved two humble lives from drama,

From being a hostage of our own choice.

I should have listened to you,speaking wisely

about values ,that we share both

You are experienced, you knew precisely

Affection is gonna   damage our growth.

I should have cried after I blocked account

So as I never ever see your perfect smile.

If I had done this ,every shadow would shout:

\"What are you doing? Don\'t let THIS to die!\"

I should have gained the power from the LORD 

To not get used to you,not built the air castles.

Whilst music in my soul required a chord,

And the hole in my heart was wasiting for its puzzle.

I should have remained silent not to tempt your pure soul,

 and not to test your patience.

Whereas feelings have helped me to exempt

My cropped wings to reach my destination.

I should have clenched my fingers not to write,

So that my messages have been forgotten

Now we\'re in danger ,wanting to decide

Something that might sink us to the bottom.

I should have that,I should have this...

It\'s only mind has mere understanding.

When something real within you exists-

You stand and stare ,

while your plane\'s crush landing.