
Truth sets you free

Caught in a web of lies –

The more you spin

The bigger the mesh grows

Until you are suffocated

And strangled in its throes


To cover just one lie

You have to tell many more

And like the rotten apple

This spoils you to the core


The truth always surfaces

However much you hide

Then  you will feel ashamed

And wonder why you lied..


It’s wiser to tell the truth

And fairly play the game

For then you have no cause

To feel the guilt or shame


Lies are like pyramids

They rise up very high

So I am sure you will agree

That the truth can set you free


You can walk with head held high

If your path is just and right

For if your conscience is clear

You won’t cower with fright


So don’t resort to lies

If you are smart and wise

Then you will see how quickly

In stature you will rise