
It’s only you!

It’s only you

Who makes me want to be a better person,

Who’s motives I don’t question.


It’s only you

Who makes my heart race,

Who’s neck everyday I long to embrace.


It’s only you

Who occupies my thoughts late at night,

About whom I often wonder if you’re alright?


It’s only you

Who’s special attention I require,

Who’s blue eye looks I desire.


It’s only you

Who’s smile I truly treasure,

In who’s arms I find pleasure.


It’s only you

To whom I wish to give every great gift,

When feeling down, who’s spirits I want to lift.


It’s only you

With whom I wish to walk forever,

With whom by my side there’s nothing I can’t endeavor.


It’s only you

In who’s future I always want to be,

Yes, you and I and our family!