

One starry night
I had a dream
That I could take flight
So much easier than it seemed

A wonderful feeling it was
One of hope and desire 
Magic because it ever grew
A wildfire in the wind

So I took to the sky
Over the moon through clouds
Dodging birds minding their business
Now, I was one with them

So up up up I soared
Til I saw a star to the right
And at this I aimed towards
Straight on through night

In the morning a beautiful sight
Met my tired, weary eyes
How I lived without this before
Will always be a mystery

A place so perfect
Without troubles or worries
No sadness nor neglect
A place really only in stories

And in stories it would stay
And I would never leave
My youth will never change
This is where I belong

So gliding about
Over rivers and streams
Mermaids and crocodiles
Peaks and ravines

Ships with white sails billowed      Gleaming cannons full of fire
Loud rough pirates
Even one with a hook

This land is full of wonders
Stubborn pixies and lost boys
Songs played to the wind
Nothing without a voice

I suppose all children dream
Of a place very much like this
Where they can be free with no rules
Where they decide their fate

People never really die
Nothing bad ever stays
Good triumphs over evil
The hero saves the day

Such a longing
So very powerful
For a place better than here
A place filled with hope and magic

Happiness and joy
Comfort from belonging
The very heart of humanity
A wish so great-we dont even know

But it drives us
Urges and guides
The longing for life to be different
Better, more kind

People don\'t grow apart
Animals don\'t die
Hearts will never hurt
And children won\'t cry

But alas, tis only in stories
Because we are here
And we have to grow up
Accept the pain, survive the wounds

Smile magic into the world
Open your heart, learn to live
Because then, even though you\'re grown up
You never lose hope

I\'m older now
I suppose I woke up from my dream
No flying or wishes for me
Not even with pixie dust

And that\'s ok
Because I don\'t need it
There\'s a lil bit of magic every day
Inside each and every soul

You just have to be able to see it
So to Peter Pan, Tinkerbell
And even Captain Hook
A most sincere thank you

For showing me the world as it is                With hope