Tune: Langran
(\'Here now, O Lord, I see thee face to face\')
Psalm 42 v.6-11
O my God, my soul is cast down in me
Therefore I will remember you simply
From my depths I do unto your depths call
When troubles as o\'erwhelming waterfall
Yet the Lord will command loving kindness
In the daytime, and too at night will bless
His song shall be with me, and my prayer to
The God of my life, He will hear, renew
I will say to God my rock, Why have you
Forgotten me? Not shown me mercies true
Why go I mourning due to oppression
Of the enemy, save me from each one
For they do taunt and reproach me daily
Saying, Where is your God, where can He be?
Why cast down my soul, why disquieted?
I shall yet praise Him, He me thus far led