
Our Thirst for Change

In the black yew shelters, where owls tuck themselves away

Strange gods with red meditating shifty eyes

Watch over the land in the stillness of night

But when darkness shovels the sun offstage

They roost unstirring, awaiting the melancholy hour


It is in this hour that they teach the sage

She need fear in this world only tumult and action

For in the passing, drunk on shadows

We are punished for desiring change

Our punishment is to desire more change


The world spins on, caught in the cycle of desire

Yearning for something more, something different

But the gods with their red, shifty eyes

Remain unmoved, unchanging, in their yew shelters

Watching over us as we stumble through the darkness


And so we learn, in the stillness of night

That it is not the gods we should fear

But our own insatiable desire for change

For in the pursuit of something new

We lose sight of the beauty in the present moment


So let us heed the lesson of the strange gods

And find peace in the tumult of this world

For in the stillness of the yew shelters

We may find the wisdom to embrace what is

And let go of our relentless thirst for change. (\"Our Thirst for Change\") by Courtney Weaver Jr.