

At least, you are okay, but I am not,

At least, you ate, but the last time I ate was last week,

At least, you have someone who cares about you,

For me, there is no one.


At least, your parents called, but no one called for me,

At least, they invited you, but no one invited me.


At least, you got some gifts for the holidays,

For me, it seems like people have forgotten that I even exist,

At least, you are okay, but I am hurting.

At least, your home has money, for me, everyone is hungry.


At least, you are at a party,

And here I am, sitting below this tree,

Waiting for God to do something because I think I am tired,

I think I have lost most of my patience now,

I can’t handle this anymore,

I am giving up.


At least, now you are celebrating the new year,

For me, if it is in May or June, I don’t know which time of year,

But it doesn’t look like a festive period to me.

At least, remember me when you are busy enjoying your holidays,

Even food leftovers would mean the world to me.

Thank you and have a happy festive period.