Petrichor of Love

A Crimson Bloom

In gardens of the time, a crimson did bloom,
emerging in the rainy month of June:
My love seems a melody so sweet,
In harmony do our hearts beat.

As fair thou art, my dearest one,
In the dance of love that we\'ve begun;
I\'ll love thee till the seas grow dry,
and I swear underneath this boundless sky.

Till the seas shall cease to flow,
And the sunlit rocks in fervour glow;
I\'ll love thee through the sands of time,
till our love becomes a song in life\'s sweet rhyme.

Farewell, my only love as we part,
Yet know that you\'re engraved in my heart;
O Maiden! I\'ll come again; a promise true,
No distance is vast for our love to undo.