sonal monhyung

Last day of the year

It begins to counting as the last day of the year 

And people begun waiting for starting a new calendar;

For the masses it\'ll still a new tomorrow 

As everyday arrived after a night full of shadows.

But anyone guess why it is special?

Because it\'s a new page of a chapter.


As it encounter with everyone\'s year end

How was your day, good or Fallin in sick .

No one now can flip back it\'s pages,

As it has long gone before you awake .

People\'s good faith or bad luck 

Has now a voice to speak ,

How did I come to a year end !


For the liers, they\'ll lie themselves

I did great!,behold myself;

But gentlemen can write it once again 

I did it!, or I\'ll welcome a fast kick!

After all this, it come to an end,

A new begging that start someday.


Happy last day of the year!