

Suicide - a choice that\'s often seen
As a release from the pain that you\'ve been feeling inside, so
You see it as a way out, a way to escape
From all the suffering that you feel you can\'t handle, it\'s a mistake

For suicide - it\'s not the answer, it\'s a lie
You\'ll leave behind so much pain, tears in people\'s eyes,
And it\'s a choice you can\'t take back, you can\'t change your mind
You won\'t be here to heal or to face the things that you left behind

Suicide - it\'s not the answer, it\'s a choice you can resist
Reach out for help, for support, you can\'t do this alone, I insist
There\'s light at the end of the tunnel, there\'s hope for the future
But only if you choose to stay, to keep on surviving, to grow stronger

Suicide - it\'s a choice that seems so simple in the moment
But it\'s a decision that impacts so much, all of them, so often
So please don\'t make this choice, I promise it\'s not worth it
For there will always be hope, there will be better days, trust me, you\'ll witness
This world can be hard, the pain can be too much