

Will you forget me one day?

I always afraid of being forgotten,

maybe I will be living in a better place someday,

being a better person somewhere,

but will I be happy there without you?


I always try to be the best, like always,

I feel sad when I start making mistakes,

when I start causing troubles,

when I forget to smile,

when I am the reason of their unhappiness.


I always wanted to do my best in everything,

tho I might not be the best compared to the rest,

but I remember that my mission here is to be the best version of myself,

I say no to competitions with other people,

I know I am a great loser,

and I always accompanied by troubles and failures.


If one day, you\'ll be able to remember me when I am gone,

please don\'t remember me that much,

because that will make me more sad and unhappy.