Happy New Year 2024

As 2023 comes to an end 
Will my problems of this year end 
Or will it be the same next year? 
Nonetheless, I shouldn\'t fear.

At the end I ask myself achieve what did I this year, 
Glimpse of the past memories I see 
which I made with others
But away they flee, 
Try to Catch them with my thoughts I
But they fly even more high.

Lessons I learned many, 
Throughout this year 
But ask I myself will it be useful any?

Serene shall be my life 
Though what do you think of yours?
Achieve what did you this year? 
And not it will be the same can you assure ?

Will bloom a flower 
If you not give it proper shower?

Expect, how do you to success come to you by itself 
When you do not try help even yourself

Wait does not time 
Thus thou shall do something 
Until your life is full of grime

Achieve thou shall many things this year 
and unlike others without any fear

Comes 2024 very near, 
I wish you all a Happy New Year