Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla

Muslim Father or Mother

Father, I never saw you as an enlightened father
I have seen you as an enslaved father.

father I never saw you as a democratic father.
I have seen you as a totalitarian father.

father I have never seen you as an educated father.
I have seen you as a Jihadi father.

father I have never seen you as an artistic father.
I have seen you as an anti-artist\'s father.

father I have never seen you as a father for life.
I have seen you as a father of destruction.

father I have never seen you as a father of human qualities.
I have seen you as a father for death.

Father, I have never seen you as a light to the world.
father I have seen you as the mother of the darkest ideologies.

father, I have never seen a light in you.
father I have seen a darkness in your heart and soul.

father I have never seen you as a father of peace.
Father, I have seen you as a father of violence.

father I have never seen you as a mother of truth.
father I have seen you full of habitual lies.

father I have never seen humanity in you.
father  I have seen you full of inhumanity.

father I have never seen you as a mother of aesthetics.
Father, I have seen you as the mother of suicide bombers.

father, I have never seen you with scientific reading.
father I have seen you with brutal Quran reading.

father, I have seen you with Sharia.
Mother, give me light instead of darkness.

Mother, give me life instead of death.
Mother, I have seen you with an evil life.

Mother, I have never seen your face.
Mother, I have seen you with a full veil and scarf.

Mother, I have seen you full of brutality.
Show me your human face, at least now.
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Go vegan! Pundit Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla, poet/vegan
A Muslim father or mother is a Jihadi mother or father, sharing every crime against humanity.