
GREEN DAY – revisited

Although the following poetic/prosaic material written January eighteenth two thousand and eighteen, I came across these encapsulated, enclosed, encoded, and encrusted with barnacle clad body electric of my trademark crafted gobbledygook today January third two thousand and twenty three.

Though the heyday and stellar popularity didst long since wane, I still enjoy listening to select song titles (to many for listing here along this virtual boulevard of broken dream) of this iconic Punk Rock band unique rapid fire machine gun punctuated trademark style still induces goosebumps IF only because my eldest daughter used to be a rabid fan.

She even voluntarily recruited this papa (and asked me in her coy, diminutive, earnestly irresistible purring kitty cat demeanor if yours truly could taxi herself, and one or more best buddies, (whom she keeps in regular communication to this Green Day) to the the theatrical performance “American Idiot” being shown on Broadway. Hence I rented a vehicle, and nervously hightailed into the core of the Big Apple for the first time in my hermetically sealed seminarian like sequestered life.

Unsure at the present status of this three (?) member all male musician troupe (with a moderate sized following at the zenith of their renown i.e. with quite a motley crue of groupies to boot), nonetheless at the height of fame and fortune experienced by said trio, a spurious whim spurred this middle aged chap to jot down his feelings of unbridled affinity toward said talented three person creative young men within a poetic format (left unmodified only if there appeared a typographical error, or an ambiguous awkward outdated word arrangement) will be appended below.

Billie Joe Armstrong,

Mike Dirnt, and Tre Cool,

which trio known
(the world wide web over)

as the band Green Day

composed lyrics and melodies

this listener did imbibe

analogous to downing musical fuel

no matter the lead singer

supposedly never graduated

from high school,

yet raw bits of primal utterance

approximated immense talent galore,

which excessive indulgence

with amber liquids of the dogs

or flagrant downing
consciousness expanding material

filled the airwaves of soundstage and/or studio

with snapping, popping, and crackling

rhythmic synchronicity evoking images

of warm from a Yuletide burning log.


I (a common, easy going, generic kid,
a garden variety and generic American Idiot)

spent childhood years

practicing the piano,

which tickling the ivory (way before

realization brought to my attention,

how elephants illegally

poached and slaughtered),

for shear sporting whim

pounded the keys with vigor and vim


speculated at how dissimilar mine fate,

would possibly be if dedication sustained

to be a self driven task master

while mollycoddling the baby grand,

perchance me billfold and financial accounts

would not be extremely paltry and slim

reflected then and now,
on one of those “what if...could a,

should a would a...” hypothetical queries

and wonders When Stopping By Woods
on a Snowy Evening


if Robert Frost enshrined and rim

mem bored viz signature ruminating

about “The Road Not Taken”

might fancy himself joining a seminary

(rather peculiar though from an atheist)

obeying behavioral edicts

(with no discipline required

from “religious fathers”proper and prim,

hence baring the habit as a nun

in a convent chances negligible to him


i.e. me, yet...all those mewing kitties
will more closely match my anthem

but un-natural suppression sans animal,

carnal, feral...predilections

finds thoughts quickly being

dismissed cuz of such
restrained celibacy codas,

and even preferring to be dangling

(literally), and holding on for dear life

from a rather straggly limb


even clinging with diminishing strength
resorting to contriving

a rip public kin battle Hymn

knowing likelihood
(When I Come Around)
for immediate salvation grim

er ring, and fading outlook

Whatsapp eared dim

getting anxious, and
minimally cautiously optimistic


that When September Ends piercing

me (a Basket Case)
flesh with pellets of cold rain

grip upon the slippery bark will induce

greater anguish emotional pain

unsure if mine demise will be a cometh,

as grim reaper doth gain

another mortal, whose life cut short

will induce a gaping hole

within thy family chain.