
The polish girl

I contemplate the pure ematiated  lines of your face 

on the wall  of memory , and your eyes that are already

communing with other landscapes where we can\'t escape.

There\'s blood on your lips  and a red triangle on your chest.

I imagine the woman you\'ll  never be   and the child 

you won\'t  hold in your arms ...

  26947 .The losing number in the lottery of life ...

  It was an hesitant spring day,a cold and angry wind whistle the call 

but the road  to heaven was burning  hot ...

The devil was very busy,tooking care of business  as usual ,

and god was so happy in Paris ...

A gentle smiling  doctor found the way to your heart  under the red triangle.

Your flesh is the grass of the meadow where dream horses gallop...

For eternity and a few seconds did you feel the presence of a time traveller

contemplating  your  face, frozen  on the memorial wall  ?

             CZESŁAWA .