Dev Parth

I Think I Am Bad

In the quiet chambers of my own introspection,

A whisper surfaces, a complex reflection.

As Dev, I ponder, \"I think I am bad,\"

A heavy thought, a self-perceived clad.


Yet, within the verses of my own life\'s song,

Mistakes and stumbles, where I belong.

\"I think I am bad,\" echoes through time,

A chance for growth, a rhythm to climb.


The mirror reveals a nuanced view,

A canvas of actions, both old and new.

\"I think I am bad,\" a refrain to explore,

Yet redemption\'s knock awaits at the door.


For as Dev, I\'m not bound by the past,

In the sculpting of self, a mold to cast.

\"I think I am bad,\" but can I find,

The strength within, a different kind?


In the autobiography of life, I take the lead,

A story evolving, a profound deed.

\"I think I am bad,\" may morph and fade,

As Dev rewrites the script, choices remade.