Kurt Philip Behm

Our Well Never Dry (+2)

We share the same silence

we think the same thoughts


We have the same daydreams

not rented or bought


We live in the spaces

of a lost inbetween


And wander through moments

that time hasn’t seen


We care for each other

we live for today


We treasure the quiet

of nothing to say


We give without taking

our well never dry


And smile ever meeting

—never saying goodbye


(The New Room: January, 2024)




False Prophets


What proclaims

to save our souls

is killing its believers

Religion worse

than nuclear war …

born again deceivers


Breaking every

moral creed

stealing zero-sum

Ashes left to burn

and rot

—Yahweh on the run


(The New Room: January, 2023)




De Facto


It wasn’t fate

— it just was


(Dreamsleep: January, 2024)