


They tell me, love is at the top

the top of what?

 I’ve searched and searched

I\'ve searched the top of every mountain

I’ve walked thousands of miles

on the top of melting rock

trying to find it 

just to feel its mere touch for even just a moment 

I love the thought of love 

love that cripples my very being

crushing my heart and soul

until I\'m liquid gold on the cobbles in my dreams

shaking from head to toe 

just to taste the magic 

that is love 

people tell me it makes them dizzy

heart flutters

they tell me I\'d feel the butterflies 


but really 


Isn\'t it just an over whelming feeling of joy

knowing we are no longer alone?

and when that joy goes away 

aren\'t we just left lying in its embers? 


what is love? 


do tell?


because I\'m lost…


lost under all its ashes.