
Am I, am I not

Who am I and who I’m not?

Tears ice cold, heart burning hot? 

Am I brave, born a hero? 

One in a million, or just a zero? 

Am I strong, can move a mountain? 

Lost at sea, like a ship without its captain? 

Am I humble, willing to please? 

Arrogant, haughty, brought to my knees? 

Am I whisper quiet, or shouting loud? 

Standing in the open, hiding in the crowd? 

Am I generous, or a greedy banker? 

Loose cannon, or a heavy anchor? 

Am I a friend, good and true? 

Shoulder to lean on when feeling blue? 

Am I a snare, or a deterrent? 

Noble leader, ruthless tyrant? 

Am I raging storm, dark and scary? 

Sour apple, or a poisoned berry? 

Am I roaring lion, purring kitty? 

Ugly duckling, perhaps I’m pretty?

Am I bright, sunny summer day? 

Rainy night in the middle of May? 

Am I caring mother, loving wife? 

Playful child full of life? 

Am I sweet as clover honey? 

Never satisfied, always chasing money? 

Am I a lover full of passion? 

Stuck up snob, dressed in latest fashion? 

Am I warm embrace in cold winter? 

Soothing oil for a painful splinter? 

Am I healing power, curing sick? 

Helping hand for the weak? 

Am I watchful eye in a high tower? 

Carrier of light in the darkest hour? 

Am I righteous, but still a sinner? 

Soar looser, or a proud winner? 

Am I faithful servant, ready to obey? 

Fearing God, trusting Him everyday? 

Am I loyal slave, defender of my master? 

Doubting fool facing a disaster?


Am I patient, voice of reason? 

Not in fear of death nor prison? 

In conclusion what’s your thought? 
Perhaps I am, perhaps I’m not?